
Is a re-edit done by the same editor?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

Yes, the re-edit is done by the same editor.

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I clicked on re-edit by mistake. What happens now?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

Send a message to the editor saying it was a mistake. They will re-send the job without making any more changes.

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Can I communicate with the editor during the proofreading? I might have comments or questions regarding certain terms and expressions.

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

We have a Facebook-type messaging system for each job so you can write directly to the editor. You can also communicate with the editor after the job has been delivered.

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The editor is not answering my messages.

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

The editor may be taking a break, depending on what time zone they are in. If they haven’t answered your message within 12 hours, please contact us.

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I am not happy with the returned document. What should I do now?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

First, send a message to your editor explaining what you think is wrong. The editor can make more changes and upload a new file for you. If this doesn’t work, ask for a re-edit. Also send a message explaining what you want fixed. This forces the editor to look at the document again. If you are still not happy, contact support at [email protected] and we will help you.

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Is there a way I can upload our house style guide?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

You can upload your house style into the House style section from your dashboard.

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Are you able to re-organise and re-format a text document?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

To a certain extent, though, please contact support if you have any special requirements. Also, please note we offer rewriting services.

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Do you return two versions of a Word document – a clean one and one where I can see my mistakes?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

No, the editor will edit the MS Word document with tracked changes on. You can easily accept or reject each or all changes. You can read more about track changes on

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What is your code of ethics?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

Wordy editors adhere to a high ethical standard. That means they always strive to provide the highest standard of service, offering educated and well-considered edits and responding quickly, clearly, and courteously to client queries and concerns.

Wordy editors will only accept jobs they believe to be within their sphere of competence. If on closer examination an editor finds he or she does not have the skills or knowledge needed to complete a job to the highest standard, the editor will return the job or seek guidance.

A Wordy editor may refuse to edit material he or she finds personally offensive for any reason. Once he or she has accepted a job, however, the editor must provide the highest level of service, regardless of his or her feelings about the ideas presented in the work.

At no time will a Wordy editor insert his or her beliefs into the author’s work, by modifying text or through marginal comments, or offer commentary that is argumentative or denigrating to the work.

Some kinds of work are by nature outside our ethical code. Wordy editors will not:

  1. Provide content editing on university or school assignments, though they will happily provide a light-handed standard edit.
  2. Provide editing for materials that are clearly intended to be deceptive or fraudulent or that appear to be intended to support illegal activities.
  3. Editors should report jobs that appear to fall into these categories to Wordy Support.
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Do you check references?

8 August 2016 | Anders Schepelern

We will format references if you tell us what style to follow (APA, MLA, Chicago, CBE, etc.). We will not fact check references, research missing information in incomplete references, or cross-check references (match in-text citations to the reference list).

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